— sparks

William Chen
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


This morning, i went to my grandparents last home for the first time since they past away 8 years ago.

Yeah, it took me a long time to be ready to visit their last home.

I really missed them, especially my granny, the love of my life. She was loved me very much even my parents didn’t gave her thing that much compared to my aunt.

When i was a young boy, i lived with my grandparents family which is there were about 15 people in our house. Yeah, how noisy the house is, let alone inhabited by many young children, including me.

There were a lot of problems we been through that time, A LOT. Whether the house that is often flooded (because we live on the coast), have problems with other people outside the house, to family problems that we never stop experiencing.

I used to be a kid who didn’t act that much, often spent time at home doing homework, learned to use a laptop given to me by my father, and i was always alone in my room. That’s why i always spend my time at that time to accompany granny.

I also like to be taken away by grandma and most often taken to traditional markets. Grandma asked me to accompany her grocery shopping and help carry it. Not infrequently, granma always bought snacks for me to have breakfast when i get home. Kue Pukis is a food that grandma often buys for me that time.

Grandma also likes to taken me to go to our family’s house in Depok. From our home we always took a Bajaj and we both took the Train together to go there and my grandmother taught me how to go somewhere using public transportation.

Not infrequently I also always have interaction with grandpa at home at that time.

My grandfather was a determined person, he was always active in the area where we lived and became a person who wanted to contribute to society until finally he was disappointed with the people closest to him. Finally, grandpa decided to work alone at that time.

He always makes souvenirs from shells and other marine products every day. He makes furniture to small items out of it all. Until finally, my grandfather had his own exhibition in the suburban where we lived. My grandpa also taught me to make it all, and helped me with craft assignments when i was in junior high school

There are so many memories i got from my grandparents back then. I, who was a child, always learned new things every day, one of which i got from both of them. I learned about patience, how to deal with the outside world, and control my own emotions.

Thanks for let the sparks from you both stay in me, Grandpa, Grandma. I will remember you both forever. 🤍

